This was a different person from the person who stopped by my desk a few days ago to agree with me that my chair arms were immobile before walking off.
I gave him the bewildered look of an idiot who's just taken a large bite out of a lemon because she was told it was chocolate, "Wha...?"
"You put in a work order a few days ago for the arms on your chair to be lowered so you could slide it under your desk. I was the person who got that work order. The arms on your chair are immobile, so I lowered the chair and slid it under your desk. If you want, I can show you how to lower your chair."
Oh, this was the person who stopped by while I was away from my desk.
I gave him the most pleasant look I could manage. Then, in the sweetest voice possible without resorting to sarcasm, I said, half-joking, "Well, I know how to lower my chair, but I have elbow problems. I need my chair at this height, so I was wondering if I could get the arms lowered or removed so I could slide my chair under my desk when the chair's at this height."
"Well, the arms don't move."
Again, I had to bite my tongue. "Well, do you think they come off?"
"If you want to slide your chair under your desk, they'll have to come off."
OK, we were several seconds in coversation behind each other, but at least we were on the same page. "Great! Can you take them off?"
"Well, I'm here for something else, but I guess I could take a few minutes and see if I could take the arms off."
"Awesome." Suddenly, this guy was my bestest friend ever.
He takes the chair away from my desk and calls someone else over. He takes out a power drill. At this point, I would like to point out that my bestest friend ever is quite unique, because I don't know too many people who carry power tools on their person at any given time. I guess that's why he's my bestest friend ever.
Together, the two guys brought the Aeron to the ground like gay steer wrestlers. (PLEASE NOTE: This is not a statement regarding my bestest friend ever's sexual preferences or even those of his friend. It's merely a observation that bringing an Aeron to its side looks much like gay steer wrestling because the only rodeo I've ever attended was the Gay Rodeo when it passed through Washington DC. As such, I cannot opine on how straight cowboys wrestle steer.)
After a brief tussle and some whirring of drill bits, my bestest friend ever stood up and announced, "Looks like someone's tried to do this before, because the screws have been stripped."
There were two thoughts and feelings that ran simultaneously through my mind: 1.) an absurd sense of relief that I wasn't the only schmuck who thought immobile arms on a chair that's adjustable in every other aspect was an asinine idea, and 2.) brief panic because if the screws were stripped, how was he going to remove the arms?
Thankfully, it came out like this, "So, what does this mean? Can you still take the arms off?"
"Yeah sure, but it'll take a second and be a bit noisy. Let me take it out to the hallway so I don't disrupt your work." What a considerate bestest friend ever. He returned a few minutes later, and before him trotted my docile, newly tamed chair. Armless.

I sat. I spun around. I bounced. I propped my feet up. It felt just right.
Score 0 to The Man.
To the short guy, 1 + a bestest friend ever.
Are those running shoes with the bright pink springs yours?
ReplyDeletegod bless you this was a funny story. and i never knew you went to a gay rodeo.
ReplyDeletea friend from a previous life in dc
Yes, Franu. Those are my nike shox.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on resolving your chair & elbow issues without having to resort to the draconian remedy of shin extensions.
ReplyDeleteI only have one question. Actually, two questions:
1. Do you take your digital camera everywhere you go?
2. Is that a Nine West shoe store under your desk?
And for goodness sake, be rid of the comment moderation already. LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK!!!
HAHAHAHA! I'm laughing because you actually took pictures of your chair!!!!! I don't know why that's funny to me...
ReplyDeleteAh bossy one,
ReplyDeleteGood to see you've recovered from the Raiders' near win Sunday (the
story about you and your dad was cute, btw). Seems to me that you've got two questions and one order.
Let me address the actionable item first:
Chalk it up to my technological ineptitude, but I didn't realize that I could receive comment notification without moderating. Thanks to you, now I know. Happy now?
For the record, I don't censor.
I'll address your questions as they were received:
1. Almost always. My phone has a 4MB camera. I do sometimes carry a separate digital as well because any day now, cows are gonna take to the sky and I don't want to capture it on a crappy digital phone.
2. Nine what? Do people still shop there?
Listen people, enough about my spare closet! Let's focus on the big picture here: the chair!
OK, B gets it. It's about the chair!
ReplyDeleteI could swear those were Nine West you had on. Or perhaps I'm stuck in a late 90s time warp.
ReplyDeleteThe Raiders scored some points for a change, so I'm going to focus on the positive. Small steps. Thanks for the nice words about my trip down memory lane, much appreciated.
Regarding your new, armless chair, I am now concerned for your safety. You could easily fall off that thing if, for example, you were trying to reach for one of the 50 pairs of shoes under your desk. Might I suggest some of those bars they use for kids so that they don't fall off the bed? They're easily removable.
Oh, and if cows start flying, you're going to want to want to be holding a Kevlar umbrella, not a camera. Okay, maybe both.
ReplyDeleteI have searched everywhere for Kevlar umbrellas, and all I've been able to find are normal ones with Kevlar shafts and patents for anti-terrorists umbrellas that casts nets on terrorists or patents for umbrellas with darts or swords or spears at their tip. (I'm totally serious about the patents. There's some weird shit out there.) If cows take to the sky, everyone is SOL and had better run for cover. Except for me. I'll be trying to capture it on my cam.
I don't get the comment about kid-proof fences, although B apparently found it HI-larious. Are you trying to say I'm SHORT??? So rude.
Finally, there are only five pairs of shoes under my desk. FIVE. There are reasons why they're there. What, you don't keep a spare suit or ties at work for last-minute meetings? How about an extra umbrella? Well, I keep a black cardigan and spare shoes at work for similar reasons.
Okay, then just make sure your camera is poop-proof.
ReplyDeleteI was just trying to be helpful with the bed-bars. I would never suggest that you are short. 5'0" isn't short. Is it? In any event, since I am only 5'7", I would not be one to be making short person jokes. Randy Newman's "Short People" song from the 70s has left psychological scars that I may never recover from.
The only "extras" I keep in my office are 1 pair of shoes, 1 sportcoat, 1 tuxedo, some gym clothes that are never used but make a favorable impression, and 3 pairs of underwear, for those really bad days. Not remotely comparable.