Two Saturdays ago, the wind forecast looked good for the weekend. I had planned on taking the Puny Pony up to Island Sports in Newport, RI on Saturday get a roof rack installed, a quiver bag for my sails and masts, and a wetsuit.

If it's not too

(Yeah, this is how lame I am.)
The night before, I stayed in knowing I had to get up early and make a long drive. But as anyone who doesn't have a lot of personal time knows, when you get personal time, you try to make the most of it and end up putting off bed. B and her bf had gone out for the night, so relishing the space and the silence, I watched movies, turned up the stereo and danced around in my underwear, balanced my checkbook, caught up on email, updated my blog and browsed real estate websites.
I procrastinated until 3am when even I had to admit to my obstinate self that I was tired. Then, a scratch on my door. It's B. She and her bf had been fighting since they had come back from their night out, and he ended up storming out of the apartment. Having been in those shoes before, I know how much it sucks. We stayed up until 4-4:30am talking until she felt ready to go to bed.
I dragged myself out of bed at 8:30 Saturday morning despite my late bed hour. I was determined to get this roofrack and quiver bag. While I was lollygagging around the apartment still half asleep, Island Sports called. The parts weren't in yet, and they wanted to catch me before I made the drive. Split between feeling relieved that I didn't have to make the drive and annoyed that I'd have to spend the next weekend driving to RI in Labor Day weekend traffic, I crawled back in bed and slept until 3pm. In hindsight, since I was already awake, I should have gotten in the car, driven to Southampton and met up with fellow windsurfers, EH and AM, whom I met while in Aruba last February. But, I was too tired to think. Also, I had told them that I would meet them on Sunday, so I thought I had another day of the weekend to windsurf until I woke to the sound of rain on Sunday.
Unsure if it was even worthwhile to attempt the 2 hour drive to Southampton, I called EH. Lucky for him, his wife's family owns a summer house where we windsurf. EH and AM had sailed all day Saturday and spent the night with the intention of sailing some more on Sunday. Apparently, Saturday was an amazing wind day, and even though they had agreed that they weren't going to tell me that "I should have been there" they couldn't resist and ended up telling me anyway. Naturally. :-)
An hour into my drive, it was downpouring. I called EH. He said, it's starting to rain a little, but I don't think it'll last. Come on out. I arrive at EH's 1.5 hours later to the sight of two grown men sitting in patio chairs, staring morosely out patio doors at the steady rain. They were looking at the clothesline where they had strung their towels from the previous day.
After sitting around for a while and debating whether the wind conditions were good or not, we loaded our cars and headed to the beach in a caravan. It was a bit like the three bears: EH led in his Toyota pickup, which held his gear and the old board that I borrow from him when I sail. AM followed in his Porsche SUV, hauling a trailer that carries his board and gear. I'm the caboose in my Honda Civic 2 door Coupe, feeling a little horsepower envy.
We get to the beach, and it's freezing. The three of us stand at the water's edge, buffeted by gusts of wind and rain. EH and AM debate wind, water, etc - normal male bickering. Neither wants to be the first admit to the other that he doesn't want to sail today. Finally, being female and therefore the only voice of reason, I called it.
"Guys, I know how much you want to sail today, but I'm going to make the executive decision and say we just make it a day. "
They agree with me, seemingly reluctant, but I think they were secretly relieved. We all turned around and headed home. EH to Nyack, AM to Queens, and me to Manhattan.
No windsurfing for me. Dud weekend.
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