20 September 2006

Franu's superduper cute earrings

I adore them and wear them all the time!

I think this is a picture where I think the ceiling is going to fall down any minute now.


  1. Another gratuitous shot of your face! I think the earrings look a little heavy- do they feel heavy? How'd you get that photo anyways?

  2. The earrings feel great. I don't think they look heavy b/c they aren't a color that stand out too much. If they were made of diamonds or solid gold, then PERHAPS it'd be too heavy.

  3. Oh, and yeah. What'd you think of that ginormous pimple on my nose? It was my favorite part of that picture.

  4. omg I didn't even notice the pimple. now that you mention it, it does look a little painful. must be friends with the guy growing on my neck (my gosh, do we sound charming, or what?!).
