09 April 2007


This is an interesting story. Sometimes, I get the urge to give or throw everything out as well -- especially when my apartment starts to feel cluttered. (Clutter sucks, but "organized" piles on the the other hand are completely fine.) :-)

Lisa Perry wants a fresh start. So she's decided to sell nearly all of her belongings in one massive auction on eBay.


Perry, has worked as a lawyer in Montana, a communications professor in Mankato, Minnesota, and a bookseller in North Carolina. She now delivers subpoenas and legal documents. In June, she plans to move west, possibly to take up creative writing or holistic healing.

"I've been schlepping this stuff across the country for more than 20 years," she said. "I'm tired of thinking: 'Oh my God, what if it breaks in the next move?' Who cares? I think it will almost be scary how liberating it will be."

1 comment:

  1. i think her auction has been pulled by the mighty powers that be on ebay. my favorite is still the lady who tried to sell a human skeleton on ebay...can't beat that.
