09 July 2007

B thinks I'm an old woman

Because I read the New Yorker and The Economist, B sent me the attached statistics showing the target advertising demographic for people who read the New Yorker.

I would find this information somewhat interesting if I didn't know that it was B's not-so-subtle way of telling me to get a life. (Especially her blatant commentary in the right hand column.)

Nonetheless, I still love you, B (lucky you).

PS. there is nothing wrong with me for loving the New Yorker! :-)


  1. i love it how your friends have to communicate with you via graphs, charts, & statistics...how awesome is that?!

  2. i used to read the New Yorker at my neighbors house when i was 13 years old babysitting their little children. if i didn't read the New Yorker then, i would never have become the real "new yorker" that I am today.

    i love that magazine. even if most of the articles are now too long for my ever-shortening attention span.

  3. KG, you were before your time.
    Mirai, no, i don't think it's funny my friends use charts and graphs to show me things. i need to get a life! i wish i were creative!

  4. I only sent you the chart b/c you were contesting my knowledge of the magazine's demographics. I had to send you the back-up to make it real. :) And I think you have a fabulous life (afterall, you live with me) so I would never tell you to get a new one. I only wanted to prove to you that I'm smart. It's all about me. Haha. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
