28 June 2007

It's called a "Chew" for a reason, woman

Some people have way too much time on their hands:

Victoria McArthur, a Michigan woman, claims that Starburst Fruit Chews are not only chewy (as their name indicates), but criminally chewy.

Fox News reports that after biting into a lemon candy (which, incidentally, is their most popular flavor) in 2005, the woman's bottom and top rows of teeth stuck together, causing her jaw to become misaligned when she attempted to open her mouth. She is now claiming to have a condition known as temporal mandibular joint dysfunction and is blaming it on the candy.

McArthur is suing the Mars Corporation, the maker of Starburst Fruit Chews, for $25,000 to pay for her rehabilitation. She is also wishing to be compensated for her pain and suffering, as she is now having trouble eating, sleeping, and talking.

Citing "personal permanent injury" in her lawsuit, she told Fox News "I don't want to see anybody else have to go through what I have gone through from eating a piece of candy that was supposed to be soft chew."

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