23 March 2009
Back from Bonaire
Give me a few days, and I'll be back to my usual self. Until then, these are usually the moments when I feel like I don't belong in this city. That I ought to be living somewhere where my life is more outside and the pace of life leaves room for reflection...
18 March 2009
Chuck Norris sues?
Penguin published "The Truth About Chuck Norris: 400 facts about the World's Greatest Human" in November. Author Ian Spector and two Web sites he runs to promote the book, including www.truthaboutchuck.com, are also named in the suit.
The book capitalizes on "mythical facts" that have been circulating on the Internet since 2005 that poke fun at Norris' tough-guy image and super-human abilities, the suit said.
It includes such humorous "facts" as "Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried" and "Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits," the suit said, as well as "Chuck Norris can charge a cell phone by rubbing it against his beard."
"Defendants have misappropriated and exploited Mr. Norris's name and likeness without authorization for their own commercial profit," said the lawsuit.
seen on facebook today
10 March 2009
Happy Birthday Chuck!
Picture from http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/contributor/1800040682
Excerpts of a post from Mike Krumboltz at http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/buzz-log-chuck-norris.html
Tuesday is Chuck Norris' 69th birthday. The macho star of such mind-blowing epics as "Slaughter in San Francisco" and "Lone Wolf McQuade" has made a career out of looking tough and kicking butt... all while rockin' a serious mullet.
"Chuck Norris puts the 'laughter' in 'manslaughter.'"
Over the years, Mr. Norris (we dare not call him Chuck) has built up a dedicated fan base... "Chuck Norris facts" are particularly popular. For those who are unaware, these are "Paul Bunyanesque exaggerations" of Norris' powers. They became a popular online joke several years ago and are still a source of amusement for many. An example: "Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He waits." Another: "Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried." You get the point.
"Superman owns a pair of Chuck Norris pajamas."
"Death once had a near-Chuck-Norris experience."
Mr. Norris has commented on the facts, saying, "Some are funny. Some are pretty far out." And sometimes, it's hard to tell the "facts" from the facts. Regardless, have a happy birthday, Mr. Norris. And please don't hurt us.
06 March 2009
Why I live above the Mason Dixon line

And then, I realized that the exchange was sincere. It was between two of B's old grade school friends from Lake City, FL. Thanks to the miracle of Facebook, B and I are reminded of why we live above the Mason Dixon line.
03 March 2009
My latest obsession

02 March 2009
Dahlia Soleil

I got me a shirt with a bird on it similar, but not exactly like the one pictured. I like birds. I like owls.